Southern Tier HealthLink Newsletter |
Active Users
1,047 Clinicians Using
Interoperable EMR
318 STHL Web Portal
1,365 Total Users
Patient Queries/HIE Transactions per Month
7,323 Patient queries
via interoperable EMR or STHL Web Portal
Consent Collection
70,198 affirmative (91%)
Patient Portal Nears Go Live
Southern Tier HealthLink will now offer a Patient Portal for healthcare consumers that will allow them to:
- Manage their consent and share data with their doctors
- Access their providers and their health information (coming July 2011)
- Monitor who is accessing their information
STHL has partnered with UHS and Microsoft to provide patient information from the Health Information Exchange through myUHS and Microsoft HealthVaultTM. Patients can use the STHL Patient Portal to manage consent and audit which providers have accessed their records. Patients can also view information from their Health Information Exchange records through the Microsoft HealthVaultTM and/or myUHS personal healthcare record products.
The STHL Patient Portal is a FREE, safe and secure way to access your Health Information Exchange records.
For the latest updates, go to sthlny.com. Contact STHL at or .
STHL Hosts Train Station Garage Sale to Benefit Relay for Life
Join us Friday and Saturday, June 3 & 4!
STHL will be hosting a garage sale on June 3 and 4 at its Lackawanna Station headquarters, with all proceeds to benefit the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Sale times are 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM both Friday and Saturday. Read how you can help.
Breast Care Center in Second Life
Southern Tier HealthLink Debuts Health Information Exchange Educational Video
Southern Tier HealthLink (STHL), the Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) for the Southern Tier of New York, has produced an educational video highlighting the benefits of Health Information Exchanges (HIE) and Integrated Personal Healthcare Records (PHR). The video was shot entirely in the virtual world of Second Life to demonstrate the potential for education and community healthcare support in three-dimensional social networking domains.
STHL April 29 EHR/Meaningful Use Summit a Success
Healthcare leaders share exper-iences finding the right EHR for their practices.
Sponsored by Southern Tier HealthLink (STHL) and the New York eHealth Collaborative (NYeC), the Spring Healthcare Summit targeted the needs of physicians as well as practice administrators, office managers, and supervisors at provider practices seeking education about Electronic Health Records (EHR), Meaningful Use, and the Health Information Exchange (HIE). It was held at Traditions at the Glen in Johnson City on April 29 with over 110 attendees.
Lourdes Increases Consent Collection Sites
During April and May, six Lourdes Primary Care Network sites in Broome and Tioga counties began taking consent. Click here to view those sites.
By June, Southern Tier HealthLink will roll out consent collection at the remaining eleven Lourdes Primary Care locations in Binghamton, Johnson City, Vestal, Hancock, Richford, and Whitney Point.
Electronic Consent Speeds Data
STHL has initiated electronic healthcare consumer consent within certain areas of UHS and Our Lady of Lourdes. With electronic consent, the consumer receives the same materials (Consent Form, Consent Form Information Sheet, and STHL brochure) in a hard copy format. When the signed consent form is completed at the UHS or Lourdes registration, the patient consent choice is entered electronically by registration staff at their workstation computer screen. The patient consent choice is instantaneously transmitted to the STHL Health information Exchange (HIE). As always, the patient may change his/her consent choice at any time by completing a new consent form.
Learn more.
Join the "STHL Striders" at the June 17-18 Greater Binghamton Relay for Life
Southern Tier HealthLink will be participating in this year's Greater Binghamton Relay for Life at MacArthur Park in Binghamton. We encourage you to join the STHL Striders or make a donation to our team via our convenient Relay website. We are making a difference by teaming up to participate in the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life.
Click here to join our team or make a donation! The impact we can make together is much greater than what any of us could do alone!
STHL Hosts April 11 STOC Networking Café on Social Media
STOC members learned about the vitual world of Second Life
STHL hosted the April 11 meeting of Southern Tier Opportunity Coalition's monthly Networking Café. Christina Galanis, STHL Executive Director, discussed the business and communications opportunities related to social media, and specifically the virtual world of Second Life.
In the past few years, STHL has been using Second Life to aide healthcare consumers in understanding both the broad concept of a health information exchange as well as, individually, how a personal health record can benefit a consumer in their own healthcare. Applications have ranged from the creation of virtual worlds within Second Life-based New York Healthscape to fundraising, where STHL raised over $64,000 for breast cancer research in Second Life in one weekend in late 2010.

Executive Director
Christina Galanis
Deputy Director
Emily Pape
Project Coordinators
Paul Almy, John Hayek, Dennis Sherba
Data Base Coordinator
Kirsten Griffin
Administrative Consultant
Carolyn Stanford
Help Desk Support Specialist
Chris Yale
Staff Accountant
Michelle Cleveland
Administrative Secretary
Judy Selby