NY Electronic Health Record (EHR) Meaningful Use Summit

Links to video of Electronic Health Record Meaningful Use Summit that was sponsored by the New York eHealth Collaborative and the New York Chapter of the American College of Physicians.

On May 22nd, Southern Tier HealthLink hosted an Electronic Health Record Meaningful Use Summit that was sponsored by the New York eHealth Collaborative and the New York Chapter of the American College of Physicians. Over 50 physicians and health care professionals attended. Attendees learned about New York State's Health IT strategy to build a comprehensive health information infrastructure. Programs and services available to New York providers and hospitals include the New York Medicaid E-Prescribing Incentive program, New York Regional Extension Center services (provided through STHL and NYeC) and federal Medicare and Medicaid meaningful use incentive programs. Speakers highlighted the benefits of electronic health records, and local practices shared their experience and knowledge. The day concluded with electronic health record product demonstrations.

If you were unable to attend the event click the link below to watch the video from our website. To speak with someone about how your practice can benefit from meaningful use incentives, contact STHL.

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