Electronic Health Care Records presented at Binghamton University

Local educators and economic leaders attended a program at Binghamton University's Downtown Center Thursday to learn how new technology may effect the way people train for jobs in health care.  Click here to view the STHL Electronic Health Care Presentation.

STHL Executive Director Christina Galanis presented an overview of STHL's Health Information Exchange to a regional group of senior staff members from key economic and educational institutions in the Southern Tier at the Binghamton University Downtown Center on January 6.  She highlighted the technological change that is coming to medical records and how it represents a significant workforce training opportunity across the region.   

SUNY BEST (SUNY Business and Education Cooperative of the Southern Tier) was organized several years ago to forge strong alliances to strengthen industry specific needs, provide information and outreach for businesses, and explore and support the business community workforce needs for traditional and emerging industry clusters.  Members provide information on funding opportunities, and collaborate on business and education legislative agendas both state-wide and federally.

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